Free resources & tools to help you take the brakes off + ignite your potential

Trapped Emotions Will Block Your Success
We are emotional beings and our emotions are experienced in response to our environment. Emotions are a normal part of life, as we experience and interpret the world through them. In order to lead a healthy, full life, we need to move through all emotions fluently. Emotions are supposed to be felt, processed by the body, mind, and spirit connection, and then at some point let go of. On the other hand, those “not as good” emotions often follow a different trajectory and can block you from success…
What’s really going on when you’re experiencing issues in your business, relationships and sense of fulfilment
- and why ‘Purpose’ is not a far-fetched concept but the antidote
Feeling overwhelmed by business responsibilities, struggling with fulfillment, and not present enough with loved ones? Aligning with your purpose isn't far-fetched—it’s the key to unlocking both financial success and fulfillment. Discover how living in alignment magnetizes opportunities, enhances relationships, and brings lasting fulfillment, and how to find your purpose. (Read more..)
2 Effective Techniques for Calming Your Nervous System
As conscious leader, business owner and high achiever, you understand the pressures and demands of your roles. When your nervous system is running high and you're overwhelmed with responsibilities, it's crucial to find quick and effective ways to calm down and come back to centre.
Here are two powerful techniques to help you regulate your nervous system, designed specifically for those moments when anxiety and a busy mind take over. For a more detailed demonstration, you can watch the accompanying video.
What Traveling to 30+ Countries Taught Me About Common Sense
What 30+ Countries Taught Me About Common Sense
Ever wondered how travelling can reshape your understanding of common sense and the pressure we face?
Today, I share insights from my journey to over 30 countries.
Discover how different cultural norms influence our belief systems, conditioning, and dogma. It's time to question your own beliefs and explore what truly aligns with your being.
The Number 1 Productivity Hack = Increase Your Productivity Levels by 300%
Ready to transform your life with a game-changing productivity hack?
Discover the ultimate number #1 productivity hack for business owners, visionaries, and high performers!
It’s all about integrity with yourself.
When you align your body, mind, and spirit with your core values, you create harmony and balance, freeing up so much bandwidth!!
Closing those open loops can boost your productivity by up to 300% according to a study done by Harvard University.
Why It Can Be So Tricky To Listen To Your Intuition
Have you ever found it difficult to tell between your mind and heart? To listen within and choose what feels truly right for you? To listen to your gut?
But how do we really listen? How do we know what’s what? And what happens if we go into avoidance or don’t (manage to) listen well?
Discover what got me to question everything and come back inward.
Your body represents who you are (how my journey started)
Have you ever wondered about your purpose in this world?
In this blog, I share a glimpse into my inner journey that began at the age of 5, and has led me to profound realizations about the connection between our inner selves and the outward expressions of our bodies and personalities.
When we read our body, our feet, and our whole display, we’re reading not only our emotions, general personality traits, but also our entire story and purpose in this world.
Read more…
Energy at Work, But Drained When You Are at Home
Do you often find yourself energized at work but totally drained when you get home?
As a holistic business mentor and expert in human potential, I often encounter clients facing this very dilemma. It’s a puzzling situation because, deep down, they desire fulfilling connections and harmonious home life alongside their professional success.
Discover why this energy shift occurs.
This is Why You Aren’t Progressing
Do you (sometimes) feel like you’re stuck and not making progress in your business or personal goals?
Do you ever feel like you’re on a hamster wheel, tirelessly running but not quite reaching your destination?
Discover the reasons why you aren’t progressing and what to do about it!
How To Overcome Anxiety About the Future
Ever find yourself stressing about what’s to come?
It’s common to leaders. Achievers, entrepreneurs, business owners, anyone that really wants to achieve and has high-level goals.
If you’re one of them check out this blog and discover how to overcome anxiety about the future.
How To Achieve Your Goals Faster
Do you ever find yourself feeling like you’re not progressing towards your goals as quickly as you’d like?
Do you find yourself experiencing the gap to the goal and not really feeling like you’re getting the momentum that you want to be in and getting to what you want to create?
If so, take a closer look at what might be holding you back to achieve your goals faster.
The Reason Why You Can’t Outthink (or Stop) Your Triggers
Most of my clients approach me with a common desire: to break free from the cycle of triggers, to no longer be at the mercy of them, and to cease acting upon them.
But what exactly are triggers?
Read more and find out the reasons why you can’t outthink (or stop) your triggers and what to do to address them.
How to Overcome Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals
Are you struggling to overcome procrastination, so you can take the action that you know would support you in achieving your goals?
Have you found yourself in thought loops, too ‘caught up’ to take action? Or have you ever held back on a difficult conversation because you hoped that the issue might resolve itself? Or gotten yourself too busy to do what it takes to actually move the needle? Or even thought, “If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen”?
Find out why we procrastinate and the exact 4 Steps to overcome procrastination, so you can build aligned momentum and achieve your goals here…
What Does 'Clearing' Mean?
The more we can neutralise and take the charge out of something; i.e. the anger, frustration, helplessness, powerlessness, etc that we may feel towards a situation, the more we can take our power back and realise that we create the outcome. The more we can come back to our centre, shift internally and clear the charge, the more free we become. So what does 'Clearing' mean?
Some Powerful Reflection Questions For The End Of The Year
Now it’s time to reflect. So many people are under the illusion that growth requires us to achieve big goals and accomplish great feats but often, it’s in the small things - like reflective practices, including Take The Brakes Off self-clearing and journaling - where our personal and professional evolution unfolds in the most profound ways. That’s why today I want to share my reflection ritual with you. It’s also a great practice to guide your leadership team through (or clients, if you’re a coach).
How to Navigate your Relationship During a period of Serious Personal Growth (ie The Spiral)
Growth implies change. And change can be challenging for all parties involved. You making positive shifts and changes in your life can bring up and out all sorts of triggers in your partner. However, it is possible to live our full expression within a relationship that expands and can grow with us, and that’s not going to hold us back.
The Pivotal Step That Often Gets Forgotten When It Comes To Manifesting
Manifesting teachers often tell you about visualisation and getting into the right ‘vibe’ and positive mindset in order to attract what we desire. Unfortunately that’s not the complete picture, which is why there are still so many people struggling with manifesting their dreams into 3D. Overall, there are 4 Steps to successful Manifestation.
Ready For More Ease, Freedom + Certainty?
There are some people who feel happy with the 9–5 grind… but that’s not you and me. You have this knowing deep down that you are meant for something bigger, so turn up the volume of your inner calling and let it show you the way back “home” to yourself, to your desires, your dreams and, if you listen to it, your destiny as a leader of change.
Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Regain Control
So many of us are running the old program of having to work hard and do everything ourselves and we wind up feeling overwhelmed. However, it doesn't have to be this way! We all deserve ease and flow! Things can be easy as long as we allow ourselves to believe it.
Let Frustration Propel You Forward
Right from childhood most of us are taught to suppress our feelings of frustration, so you might be surprised to learn how helpful it can really be! Frustration usually comes up in life, when we realise something is not quite aligned. So it can actually serve as a really helpful reminder of how we can get back on track to our dreams. Acknowledging our frustration rather than pushing it away can give us the fire and motivation to propel us forward and make that change happen.
Never Underestimate the Power of Struggle - it Leads to Your Purpose
When you're on the search for clarity around your purpose, you might start to look for clues in your past. Let me emphasise the importance of not pushing away the struggle. Those times in your life that you’re not so proud of are just as important, if not more important to take note of than the fun and easy ones. Unearth your secret superpower and get clear on your purpose...

What will change for you when you live your true potential and take your life, business, relationships and impact to the next level?