Create astronomical growth in business + life, by being the truest and best version of yourself.

Coaching + Profound Transformation for 6-8 figure Business Owners and High Performers

ready for ultimate Flow, Freedom + Growth

Step into your greatness and become unstoppable.

Often referred to as “Secret Weapon” by visionary leaders, with 20+ years experience.

You feel ready for the next level in your business, but you know something is holding you back.

The feeling could be subtle, a knowing inside of you that things could be even better than they already are.

Or perhaps you've hit a major setback, a heavy roadblock, a period where you're sabotaging yourself or you've lost your mojo.

When you’ve reached heights of business success that few can even dream of, it’s not always easy to find support to help you grow - not just in business, but in every area of your life.

The challenge is often not that you don’t know what you could or need to do to grow your business or get results in your life. On the contrary, most likely you experience frequent overwhelm with all the things you could do and ‘should do’. So many people look for you for answers and leadership. It can become quite overwhelming. And it’s easy for other areas of your life to take a back seat.

So you overthink, question, doubt,.. and look for the ‘missing link’.

Ideally, you’d like to create way more freedom and space in your life, but no matter what you’ve tried, you always seem to come back to a similar outcome again;

  • you hire people, only to lose them again or things going pear-shaped

  • you’ve built all the expensive funnels, but it’s not resulting in more sales

  • you try to exit your business, only to get pulled back in

  • or you find that business is going well, but your relationship feels like a concrete block on your leg

You know you’re meant for more, and you’re ready for your next level of purpose, freedom, flow, wealth and impact.

Overcome Procrastination, Imposter Feelings, Overwhelm, Anxiety and Doubt.

Often at the highest levels of leadership and achievement, there is a secret anxiety and stress that drives success – but it doesn’t have to. When a leader is fully aligned within themselves, rather than pulled away from their core by conditioning, ‘should’ and ‘musts’, successful behaviours show up automatically. Full alignment within leads to clarity, productivity, flow, fulfilment and aligned action, as well as to an outward expression of joy, energy, presence, confidence and power - magnetism. From this place, opportunities flow and relationships flourish.

A congruent leader in authentic flow can build and grow an incredible business and life without burning out. If you are a 6-8 figure business owner, CEO, visionary leader or high performer looking for the missing link, I’m here to help.

Let’s free you of lifetimes worth of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits, so you can step into your fullest expression with inner certainty and freedom, take aligned action and take your business and life to the next level - with high level support.

My approach is highly unique. Unlike other business coaches, who teach mindset and strategies alone,

..or mental health professionals who work on the mind alone, I address the subconscious root cause of what’s been holding you back from creating the life of your wildest dreams. Moreover, with my systematic, fast and unique approach, I work on all 5 levels of being; Spiritual, Energetical, Mental, Emotional and Physical to create systemic and cohesive change.

There are a lot of cookie-cutter approaches out there, but they don’t take your uniqueness into account. You have your unique genius, strengths and values, and the more you allow yourself to live them, the more inspired and in flow your life becomes.

It’s my mission to help leaders like you reclaim your peace, connect with your purpose and to your truth at this stage of your life, and shift the blockages (i.e. take the brakes off) within yourself, relationships and business/investments, so you can connect to your deepest truth and knowing and lead from this place. This inner knowing can guide you way beyond just business success, into deep fulfilment in every area of life and the fullest expression of your purpose. It also allows you to grow within and navigate any economy and situation, while facing any challenge.

When we live from this purpose aligned place, we not only feel a deep sense of peace and freedom, but we also create the biggest positive impact possible.

Want to find out more? Check out my latest Bestseller here:

This book is for visionary leaders and business owners who are ready to take the brakes off and live their true potential.

Learn what’s REALLY behind self doubt, imposter or tall poppy syndrome, overwhelm, anxiety, spinning your wheels, getting triggered or flat - and how to overcome it.

Take this book, and apply the concepts within to supercharge your leadership, all while creating your wildest dreams in 3D reality and making a bigger impact.

"Such powerful words! People need this book!"

"Concise, to the point and very helpful."

Let’s clear whatever is holding you back, so you can..

  • Be the best and truest version of yourself

  • Supercharge your leadership

  • Deepen your relationships

  • Create astronomical growth in business + life, feel joy and peace, and live the life of your wildest dreams

How we can work together

Keynote Speaking + Group Facilitation

As a speaker and trainer, Sand delivers keynote presentations, online trainings, group work and clearings in programs of other facilitators and consultants, as well as live events.

Delivering high level trainings and talks that are both informative, highly engaging and deeply inspirational, Sand has spoken internationally and within Australia for 8 years.

The Ultimate Breakthrough Journey / The Spiral

Free yourself of the largest amount of lifetimes worth of baggage in the shortest amount of time, so you can remember who you are and increase your sense of flow, purpose, wealth and impact with inner certainty. Join Sand for her 8-week signature program (group and 1:1) available from anywhere in the World via Zoom. As Advanced Practitioner who’s facilitated more than 260 journeys and tens of thousands of clearings so far, let Sand guide you.

Up your level of consciousness, take the brakes off and change your paradigm.

Ongoing 1:1 Support + Group Mastermind

Post Spiral - Support Option: Keep Sand and her magic as part of your support team after completing The Spiral journey. Take the clearing work to another level, deep dive into advanced layers and keep up-leveling with ease.

Available as group and 1:1, pending availability, from anywhere in the World via Zoom. Please contact me below to apply.

Sand Mew - Igniting the World's Potential Logo

Often referred to as their “Secret Weapon”, with 20+ years of experience,

I support visionary leaders, CEOs, 6-8 figure entrepreneurs and business owners to free themselves of lifetimes worth of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits, so they can increase their flow, purpose, wealth and impact - from a place of inner certainty.

Step into your greatness and become unstoppable.

 Watch my Video below:


Free yourself of lifetimes worth of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits - by the root cause. Fast, effectively, with ease.

  • Get rid of any nagging doubts, anxiety, emptiness, sabotage and feeling blocked.

  • No more taking tons of action only to find yourself with the same results!

  • Get out of your overthinking patterns and finally enjoy peace, flow and deep connection.

Remember who you are and clarify your unique purpose, genius and gifts.

  • No more feeling off track.

  • Claim your unique gifts, power, authentic leadership and path forward.

  • Generate inspiration, motivation and flow on tap.

Increase your flow, purpose, wealth and impact.

  • Be in full alignment with who you really are, and not what you thought you had to be and watch your life and results shift and skyrocket!

  • By being you and embodying yourself fully (I’ll show you how - it’s not what you think!), you’ll be able to manifest your results with ease.

  • By staying on track with YOUR ‘Golden Thread’, you’ll be able to increase and keep increasing your levels of joy, flow, freedom, wealth and impact with inner certainty as you keep progressing on your journey of creating the life of your wildest dreams!


My approach is highly unique, transformative and enduring.

I fuse ancient and contemporary healing practices with modern business strategy, psychosomatics, trauma-release and aspects of psychology, and apply this expertise within a systematic framework that I underpin with my deep intuition and emotional intelligence.

The results are leaders who can finally move forward to achieve their ‘big thing’, live their true potential, or the ideal version of themselves they haven’t yet been able to grasp or fathom, but is now firmly in their hands.

I believe everyone has the power to live their limitless potential and create a life that is equally fulfilling and impactful.

We all have a unique role to play. It’s time to take the brakes off. You can have it all.

Sand Mew

Overcome your obstacles

  • Self doubt, Sabotage and Anxiety

  • Feeling drained, limited by others and triggered

  • Traumatic and challenging experiences

  • Not being able to cope with fast growth + expansion

  • Not getting the results you’re after

  • Simply yearning for more .. ease, flow, fulfilment


What you’ll find is

  • Deep Inner Certainty, Calm + Peace

  • Confidence + Inner Strength

  • Authentic Leadership + improved Relationships

  • Increased Resilience

  • Clarity, Direction + Flow

  • Manifesting the Results you Desire with Ease

 What Clients Say


“I had done a lot of work on myself before I met Sand. It was immediately clear to me that she’s got a gift to guide you on your actual path to uncovering those trapped emotions and things that are holding you back. Working with her has allowed me and many of my clients to step into our full expression. The impact has been tremendous.”

“I feel unleashed; my business has exponentially grown, and I feel in flow”

“I’m blown away how amazing I feel, how light I feel, the hope and the vision I have, and can’t wait for what’s next.”

“I got the opportunity to literally step into myself in my highest potential and I felt completely and absolutely unstoppable and fearless.”

“I knew I needed to do some more work on myself .. After only 8 wks of working with Sand, my personal awareness has grown tremendously. I’ve had a massive awakening and great sense of self empowernent: After having anxiety all my life, I now feel I can create whatever I want, feel a lot more calm and zen. There is a high sense of flow and ability to manifest now.”

“I already had a pretty successful business and lifestyle before working with Sand, but she’s helped me improve the way I operate as a human. As a result my business and personal life has gone crazy in a really good way! Where I’ve been able to take things from there has been astronomical!”

“I have never felt more fundamentally changed than after doing the entire clearing process with Sand.”

“I felt the expansion. I knew how impactful this would be, because we were getting down into deep deep stuff. I now have a lot more confidence to speak my truth, to step into my truth, to live my truth.”

“There were parts of myself I couldn’t access. Sand helped me access a flow and connection with myself that I didn’t think was possible.”

“I feel more solid and confident than ever before. I’m also able to have solid, healthy relationships I’ve never had before. I had no idea that I’d find my true purpose through this as well.”

Sand Mew

My Story

I was five years old when I had my first encounter with my deep inner knowing. I didn’t realise at the time what it was, but even then it was trying to guide me on my life’s journey.

My intuition has always been strong, but the seeds of shame and fear are planted early in our lives. I let it drift from my awareness for years, well into my adolescence, until sickness and a near-death experience when I was sixteen ignited my knowing once again.

What began as a journey in self-healing has taken me around the world, diving deep into the wisdom of ancient healers, woven together with natural and modern therapies, psychology, psychosomatics and neuroscience to create a revolutionary framework for healing and mentorship.

After more than two decades of study, 18 years of practise, facilitating more than 200 Spiral journeys and thousands of clearings with clients, I have synthesised all that I know to offer powerful and transformative experiences to leaders of every kind.

This has not only supported my clients to more flow, purpose, wealth and impact, but also myself to build a multi 6-figure purpose-led business impacting conscious leaders around the globe.

As a practitioner, I help conscious leaders, visionaries and business owners move beyond the limitations they carry consciously and subconsciously, using a systematic approach to overcome their greatest challenges and create the life of their wildest dreams.

I ignite the potential that we all carry within ourselves, providing leaders with greater clarity, alignment and focus, renewed energy and the ability to fully show up and take on what they are meant to bring to this life. Because when we rise in our collective consciousness and share our gifts with the world, we give others permission to do the same, creating ripples of impact for a better world.

Together we rise. The time is now.

“Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking

so that other people will not feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone,

and as we let our light shine,

we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”



Download my FREE eBook

How to Recognise + Overcome THE 7 FORMS OF RESISTANCE

…So you can get to your Next Level of Purpose, Flow, Income + Impact

Grab your 40-page eBook now: Empower yourself with the knowledge of what’s really going on and how to overcome these invisible hurdles!


What will change for you when you live your true potential and take your life, business, relationships and impact to the next level?