Unlock your Limitless Potential & lead with inner certainty.

Break free from subconscious limitations, realign with your genius, and create unstoppable flow, wealth, and impact.

For 6-8 figure business owners, visionary leaders, and high performers who are ready to step into their highest level of leadership, alignment, and success.

Hi, I’m Sand Mew.

My Mission is to ignite, inspire and empower limitless potential in high-level leaders around the world, so they can lead with inner certainty and integrity, living epic lives and creating ripples of positive impact.

I’m an igniter.

A Holistic Business and Transformation Mentor, Expert in Human Potential, 2x international Bestselling Author and Speaker.

I support visionary leaders, CEOs, 6-8 figure entrepreneurs and business owners to free themselves of lifetimes worth of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits, so they can increase their flow, purpose, wealth and impact - from a place of inner certainty.

Often referred to as their “Secret Weapon”, with 20+ years of experience, I’ve led hundreds of deeply transformational journeys and facilitated tens of thousands of clears.

Step into your greatness and become unstoppable.

Ready to take the brakes off and ignite your potential?

You’ve got a big vision. You are an impact-driven entrepreneur, business owner or visionary leader, who is ready for the next level.

However, you’ve been hitting some road blocks.

Sabotage, self doubt, imposter or tall poppy syndrome, overwhelm, anxiety, spinning your wheels, getting triggered, loss of mojo .. or simply like things could be even better than they already are.

You know you’re meant for more.

“I feel unleashed; my business has exponentially grown, and I feel in flow.”

- Jen Jeavons, Founder of Pixel Palace

“I have never felt more fundamentally changed than after doing the entire clearing process with Sand.”

- Ryde Jeavons, Coffee Beans Delivered

“I’m blown away how amazing I feel, how light I feel, the hope and the vision I have, and I can’t wait for what’s next.”

- Ty Nelson, Athletes Coach

Heidi Cole Testimonial about The Spiral by Sand Mew

How we can work together

Free yourself of the largest amount of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits in the shortest amount of time, so you can live limitless and unlock astronomical growth in business + life.

Join Sand for her 8-week signature program (group and 1:1) available from anywhere in the World via Zoom.

An intimate group of High Level Leaders. Post Spiral: Advanced clearing to unlock the limitless version of you & experience astronomical growth in business + life.

Join an intimate, high-impact mastermind with weekly clearing and coaching calls, events + more, that will transform the way you lead, live, and create wealth.

Post Spiral - Support Option: Keep Sand and her magic as part of your support team after completing The Spiral journey. Take the clearing work to another level, deep dive into advanced layers of clearing and keep up-leveling with ease.

Pending availability, from anywhere in the World via Zoom. Please contact me below to apply.

As a speaker and trainer, Sand delivers keynote presentations, online trainings, group work and clearings in programs of other facilitators and consultants, as well as live events.

Delivering high level trainings and talks that are both informative, highly engaging and deeply inspirational, Sand has spoken internationally and within Australia for 8 years.

What’s happened to you is not your fault.

It’s your responsibility to do something about it.


Your Reality Can Be Changed FAST.

  • Let go of lifetimes’ worth of triggers

  • Be the best and truest version of yourself

  • Supercharge your leadership

  • Dissolve any issues in your business, life, team and relationships

  • Deepen your relationships

  • Create astronomical growth in business + life, feel joy and peace, and live the life of your wildest dreams

Learn How You Create Your Reality

Your Reality can be changed FAST.

My approach is highly unique, transformative and enduring.

Suffering can be avoided. Life is so amazing! I wish everyone would know what’s possible.

We all have a unique role to play. It’s time to take the brakes off. You can have it all.

 Client Experiences

“I had done a lot of work on myself before I met Sand. It was immediately clear to me that she’s got a gift to guide you on your actual path to uncovering those trapped emotions and things that are holding you back. Working with her has allowed me and many of my clients to step into our full expression. The impact has been tremendous.” - Sean Soole

“I got the opportunity to literally step into myself in my highest potential and I felt completely and absolutely unstoppable and fearless.” - John Broadbent

“I knew I needed to do some more work on myself .. After only 8 wks of working with Sand, my personal awareness has grown tremendously. I’ve had a massive awakening and great sense of self empowernent: After having anxiety all my life, I now feel I can create whatever I want, feel a lot more calm and zen. There is a high sense of flow and ability to manifest now.” - Aaron Witnish

“I already had a pretty successful business and lifestyle before working with Sand, but she’s helped me improve the way I operate as a human. As a result my business and personal life has gone crazy in a really good way! Where I’ve been able to take things from there has been astronomical!” - Scott Bretag

“There were parts of myself I couldn’t access. Sand helped me access a flow and connection with myself that I didn’t think was possible.” - Eric Collins

“I feel more solid and confident than ever before. I’m also able to have solid, healthy relationships I’ve never had before. I had no idea that I’d find my true purpose through this as well.” - Heidi Cole

Your playing small does not serve the world.

My Amazon Bestsellers

IGNITE YOUR POTENTIAL - The Ultimate Handbook For Visionary Leaders and Business Owners To Take The Brakes Off

This book is for visionary leaders and business owners who are ready to free themselves of whatever is holding them back and live their true potential.

If you’re ready to understand what’s REALLY going on when you experience obstacles, self doubt, sabotage and anxiety - or a sense that something is holding you back, then this book is for you.

Also available on

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE - Embody Your Limitless Potential & Unapologetically Share Your Gifts With The World

Remember Who You Are by Sand Mew will give you the guidance and inspiration to create a truly fulfilling life in which you do what you love and build wealth while sharing your gifts with the world.

Also available on

What will change for you when you live your true potential and take your life, business, relationships and impact to the next level?