Hi, my name is Sand.
(like Sand on the beach)
I’m an igniter.
A holistic business mentor, international bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur and global educator in transformation.
Often referred to as their “Secret Weapon”,
I love supporting conscious leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners, their partners and leadership teams to free themselves of lifetimes worth of emotional baggage, trauma, conditioning and upper limits, so they can ignite their potential and increase their flow, purpose, wealth and impact.
My approach is highly unique, transformative, systematic and enduring.

If you haven’t seen it yet, check out my video here

No matter if you’re ..
ready to scale and can’t seem to make it happen
an author experiencing writer’s block
a speaker presenting in front of a larger audience than ever
increasing your rates and facing upper limits
needing to pivot in your business and find yourself in a spin
get triggered easily and are craving more peace, fulfilment and flow
have a tendency to anxiety
just wanting to optimise what’s already amazing
I’ve got you covered.
Let’s clear whatever is holding you back, so you can unapologetically share your gifts and increase your income and impact with ease - from a place of inner certainty.
I support conscious leaders, visionaries and business owners take the brakes off so they can create the life + business of their dreams.
I fuse ancient and contemporary healing practices with modern business strategy, psychosomatics and aspects of psychology, and apply this expertise within a systematic framework that I underpin with my deep intuition and emotional intelligence.
My Story
I was five years old when I had my first encounter with my deep inner knowing. I didn’t realise at the time what it was, but even then it was trying to guide me on my life’s journey.
My intuition has always been strong, but the seeds of shame and fear are planted early in our lives. I let it drift from my awareness for years, well into my adolescence, until sickness and a near-death experience when I was sixteen ignited my knowing once again.
What began as a journey in self-healing has taken me around the world, diving deep into the wisdom of ancient healers, woven together with natural and modern therapies, psychology, psychosomatics and neuroscience to create a revolutionary framework for mentorship.
After more than two decades of study, 18 years of practise, facilitating more than 200 Spiral journeys and thousands of clearings with clients, I have synthesised all that I know to offer powerful and transformative experiences to leaders of every kind.
This has not only supported my clients to more flow, purpose, wealth and impact, but also myself to build a multi-figure purpose-led business impacting conscious leaders around the globe.
As a practitioner, I help conscious leaders, visionaries and business owners move beyond the limitations they carry consciously and subconsciously, using a systematic approach to overcome their greatest challenges and create the life of their wildest dreams.
I ignite the potential that we all carry within ourselves, providing leaders with greater clarity, alignment and focus, renewed energy and the ability to fully show up and take on what they are meant to bring to this life. Because when we rise in our collective consciousness and share our gifts with the world, we give others permission to do the same, creating ripples of impact for a better world.
Together we rise. The time is now.

Transformational Mentor and Uplevel Specialist
Advanced Spiral Practitioner + Group Facilitator
Certified NeuroFit Practitioner
Western Herbalist
Reflexologist + Feet Reading Specialist
Remedial Massage Therapist
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupressure / Tui Na Practitioner
Psychosomatic Therapist (Body Reading)
Shiatsu Therapist
NLP practitioner (NeuroLinguistic Programming and NeuroScience)
Energy healer (incl Reiki Master)
Shamanic Healing Meditation Facilitator
Life coach
Founder of The Footprint Connection ReflexologyTM modality
Accredited Member of the ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society) + IICT (International Institute of Complimentary Therapies)

A few insights about me
My two boys
I have two amazing boys, Arlo + Bodhi, birthed naturally with water and lotus births (one of them in our living room). They are the life of the house and warm my heart every single day!
My husband Jonny
Jonny and I met during a yoga class in Westend, Brisbane. “Call me Jonny, Alexander or Jonny Didj”… What started as an instant deep friendship soon turned into way more. We married in 2009, had Arlo + Bodhi and moved up and down the coast together .. It’s been an epic journey!
Sand Collection
I used to collect sand from beaches and deserts all over the world… I’ve travelled to more than 30 countries, so the collection is quite large! No matter what sand you look at, it may appear similar and people may brush it aside as it all being one and the same. But if you look very closely, with an open heart and mind, you will notice that all varieties of sand, down to the individual grain, are all different and unique.
Every single grain of sand has its own story - just like people.
Traveling the World
Growing up in South Germany, I’ve always loved exploring and traveling. My parents used to take us to all sorts of countries when we were little, and later I started backpacking in the summer holidays by myself (my first solo-trip happened when I was 13 and I went to England to stay with my pen pal).
Over the years I visited more than 30 countries, climbed many mountains, slept on beaches under the stars, got lost on a volcano, nearly died a few times, .. and learnt so much about myself, human consciousness and behaviour.
Ancient cultures, their beliefs, ways of living, thinking and healing have always fascinated me; what people believe in, dream and think they can and can’t do. And ultimately, how they create their reality.