What Does 'Clearing' Mean?

Now what does clearing actually mean? It doesn’t mean cutting the emotion off or ignoring it, even though the name might imply this. It’s actually quite the opposite. Clearing does not mean ignoring it or pretending it's not there.

Clearing also doesn't mean reiki or other energy healing methods. I'm not saying that they're not effective, however, they don't work the same way, as they don’t necessarily acknowledge the root cause or what your potential via your body is trying to tell you. 

If we really, truly want to take the brakes off and clear our baggage, and really free ourselves deeply at the core of our being, we need to … 

  1. Dive deep and find out first what’s really going on (via kinesiology, finger-testing, holding strong intentions and frames in our mind and potentially utilising the Emotion Chart).

  2. Clear anything external out of the way first, then feel into those underlying trapped emotions and acknowledge them. 

  3. Clear and neutralise the charge around the sensations we feel. 

The more we can come back to our centre, shift internally and clear the charge, the more free we become.

By utilising Kinesiology, finger testing, strong intentions and frames in our mind and potentially utilising the Emotion Chart, we sometimes uncover things that we would have never thought of before. Our mind doesn’t always tell us what’s going on.

For example, you might feel tired and flat, but what’s really going on is that you got triggered by a phone call that happened two hours ago and now trapped emotions such as Frustration, Helplessness and Lack of Trust are active. 

There might also be external upper limits, entities or interferences in the way that are blocking us from being 100% in our body.

After clearing anything external out of the way first, we need to feel into where we can feel them, how they feel and how they affect us in our body and life. We also need to allow ourselves to go deep and acknowledge what they are trying to do FOR us. 

And that's what the clearing refers to. We are clearing the charge. We take the power out of the charge. And therefore re-empowering ourselves with what it's actually trying to do for us.

The more we can neutralise and take the charge out of something; i.e. the anger, frustration, helplessness, powerlessness, etc that we may feel towards a situation, the more we can take our power back and realise that we create the outcome. The more we can come back to our centre, shift internally and clear the charge, the more free we become.

And that's what we need to do so we can truly lead with authenticity, create our desires, live our dreams and live the big visions that we have.


9 Signs That You’re Ready To Take The Brakes Off


Why Would We Want To Do “Clearing”?