The Pivotal Step That Often Gets Forgotten When It Comes To Manifesting

Manifesting teachers often tell you about visualisation and getting into the right ‘vibe’ and positive mindset in order to attract what we desire. Unfortunately that’s not the complete picture, which is why there are still so many people struggling with manifesting their dreams into 3D.

Don't get me wrong, visualisation is important. In fact, it's a vital aspect of manifesting your dreams and desires into your reality, and if you haven’t even let yourself dream big yet, definitely start here first! However, it's only half of the story!

We also need to back our visualisation up with inspired action in order to get the results we crave. 

Overall, there are 4 steps to successful Manifestation:

1. Clarity

Without getting a clear picture in the beginning you can’t really expect to see your dreams come to fruition.  So it's important to spend time on this step and find a way to anchor it into everyday life.

2. Visualisation

If you would like to harvest vegetables at some point, you need to begin by planting the seeds, right? I see visualisation as planting the seeds for our dreams and desires.
You could do this by writing down your 3 main goals and place that sheet of paper where you can see it. For example, you can pin it up on the wall next to the toilet. The fridge door or dashboard of your car are some other good spots.

As you visualise and feel into your goals everyday, you are retraining your brain to believe (and therefore create) your new reality. The key here is to visualise your desires as if they’ve already happened. Much like a muscle that needs consistent use to stay strong, your brain needs to practise this new way of thinking until it becomes a new habit.

As you visualise and feel into your goals, you are retraining your brain to believe (and therefore create) your new reality. 

It’s best to totally go crazy with this step. So instead of just putting your piece of paper up on the wall and thinking of your goals once per day, if at all, some mentors, such as Denise Duffield Thomas from the Lucky BitchBootcamp, suggest that you change all your passwords to your new and highest goal. She calls this process “Goal Spreading”! I think it totally expresses this step so beautifully and shows how it’s something that encompasses all aspects of your life. One of my other mentors, Tash Corbin, writes her goals down wherever she can. That includes on little bus tickets when she’s standing in a queue, on shopping lists, on her hand, in her diary every day... 

Again, set your imagination no limits and remind yourself of your goals wherever you go!

If you’re a visual person, it could also help you to cut out pictures from magazines and glue them onto a vision board or sheet. Add anything that might assist you in imagining your goals to be as real as possible and with all your senses. Those of you spending lots of time in front of the screen and who also are on Pinterest can make a Pinterest vision board (invisible to the public if you wish). That way you can create an unlimited and online version of your vision board, which can grow and change with your developing vision. Again, your limitations are simply a creation of your mind!

3. Aligned Action

Now we come to the action part. You can visualise all you want, but if you don’t follow this up with real ACTION, then it’s going to stay a dream forever. Break your dream down into actionable baby steps and then move towards your main goal. The more detailed and clear the steps, the better, as it’s going to help you actually do them. Once you’ve done that, you'll be able to take inspired action towards your dreams until you see them come to fruition.

4. Focus, Consistency + Vibrational Alignment

The key here is focus, consistency and vibrational alignment. You need to be in a high vibe state to show the universe you’re ready and matching what you want the outcome to be as like attracts like. An important point to note here is that it’s not enough to pretend to be happy and fake a high vibe state—as that’s simply not going to work. So, if you’re not FEELING it, it’s ok. Simply clear your charge rather than suppressing how you’re actually feeling, as that will only backfire. Remember, it’s all about acknowledgment of those parts so they can be let go of.

We are all human and it’s completely natural to have ‘stuff come up’ this is why getting ongoing support is not just ok but also the key to true and continuous success. We all need someone to hold a bigger container for us that we can grow into, so if you've already done the Spiral with me (or would like to) book a Heart to Heart chat now to discuss how you can take the clearing work to another level, deep dive into advanced layers and keep up-leveling with ease.

The sky is the limit!


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