Free resources & tools to help you take the brakes off + ignite your potential






Trapped Emotions Will Block Your Success

We are emotional beings and our emotions are experienced in response to our environment. Emotions are a normal part of life, as we experience and interpret the world through them. In order to lead a healthy, full life, we need to move through all emotions fluently. Emotions are supposed to be felt, processed by the body, mind, and spirit connection, and then at some point let go of. On the other hand, those “not as good” emotions often follow a different trajectory and can block you from success…

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Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew

Unlock Your Limitless Potential

10 Life-Changing Takeaways from "The Ultimate Breakthrough Journey" (My Version of The Spiral)

Do you feel like something is holding you back from your true potential? "The Ultimate Breakthrough Journey" (My Version of The Spiral) is an 8-week transformative experience that  systematically clears lifetimes’ worth of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits within the shortest amount of time. Discover 10 powerful takeaways that help high achievers break free, unlock astronomical growth in business and life, live their purpose, and lead with confidence and ease. Read on to unlock your potential!

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The Pivotal Step That Often Gets Forgotten When It Comes To Manifesting

Manifesting teachers often tell you about visualisation and getting into the right ‘vibe’ and positive mindset in order to attract what we desire. Unfortunately that’s not the complete picture, which is why there are still so many people struggling with manifesting their dreams into 3D. Overall, there are 4 Steps to successful Manifestation.

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The Spiral, Transformation Sand Mew The Spiral, Transformation Sand Mew

How Your Subconscious Mind Creates Your Reality

Have you ever wondered why certain people always seem to get it all while some are continuously slipping from one bad experience to the next? Is it luck or bad fortune? Maybe a little. However, there is way more to it than that. The truth is YOU create your reality. To understand how this could be possible we first need to understand the magnitude and power of our subconscious mind.

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The Spiral, Purpose Sand Mew The Spiral, Purpose Sand Mew

Ready For More Ease, Freedom + Certainty?

There are some people who feel happy with the 9–5 grind… but that’s not you and me. You have this knowing deep down that you are meant for something bigger, so turn up the volume of your inner calling and let it show you the way back “home” to yourself, to your desires, your dreams and, if you listen to it, your destiny as a leader of change.

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What’s Really Going on when you can’t seem to Up-level…

If you've been led to believe you can't always have what you want or you'll have to work hard in order to get ahead... that's exactly the reality you'll find reflected back at you. Regardless of how many positive affirmations you repeat, if your subconscious is holding onto these types of beliefs, you'll find yourself stuck in scarcity.

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Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew

How to Tell When You’re Facing Upper Limits and How to Overcome Them

Seeing our dreams begin to manifest into reality is exciting and expansive... that is, until we hit our upper limits and find frustrations coming up or things falling apart in other areas of life; feeling paralysed, spinning, unclear, unable to take action. The truth is, it's not really about that presentation that you've got to get out there or your book or your story or your message, its really about the past experiences, memories and traumas your subconscious has locked in that is telling your being it’s not safe to step out there and any further up. It's time to overcome those upper limits and shine!

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Business, Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew Business, Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew

Is a Low Deserving Level Blocking you and Holding you Back?

Our deserving level is the level to which we (subconsciously) believe we deserve to have something. Regardless of how much we consciously think or practise affirming that we deserve to be do or have something we really desire (may it be a new car, more highly aligned clients, a new deal or project, wealth, success, happiness, health, freedom or else), if our subconscious mind holds a different belief, we won't get to have or experience it. Find out what you can do to change this!

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Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew

Do you have the 'either Money or Love syndrome'?

Do you sometimes feel like you need to choose between areas of your life? Either “purpose” or “money”, "success" or "time freedom", "a good income" or "doing what you love", "safety" or "visibility"?

Many years ago, I too thought that I had to choose between “love” and “money”—until I realised that you can have both, and that all it takes is for us to bring our brain halves and thinking together.

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Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew

Your Physical Body is a Representation of your Subconscious Mind

Your body is a representation of your subconscious. It holds onto all sorts of memories, beliefs and perceptions for you, a ton of messages. These messages might show up in the form of niggling feelings, dreams or passing thoughts, or get stored in the body in form of tension, blockages, constrictions, flattening sensations and emotions. Like a child that wants undivided attention, your body will only let these messages go, if you are willing to stop, acknowledge and release them.

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Transformation, The Spiral, Purpose Sand Mew Transformation, The Spiral, Purpose Sand Mew

Your Dreams are your Roadmap, your Emotions show you the way

Are you settling for less? When we’re not paying attention to our emotions, when we push them aside and pretend they don’t exist, we end up settling for something way less than what is actually possible and miss out. We get stuck in limitation and scarcity.

Your dreams are your road map, discover how your emotions can show you the way.

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Why positive affirmations alone won’t cut it and how to truly love yourself

Positive affirmations can be super powerful, but if every ounce of your being screams “what a load of nonsense” within, you won’t be able to feel it and you will simply be wasting your time. The good news is you can free yourself of the internal conflict and stop holding yourself back from true self-love…

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Set Yourself up for Success

You know the times when you feel inspired to set some new goals and intentions?

It might be losing those 5kg that just don’t want to budge, saving for that trip to Europe that you’ve been dreaming of for years, or finally following your inner calling of fully living your purpose and not holding back anymore.

You feel excited and inspired with the thought of your desired outcome and set out optimistically.

However, sooner or later, something happens that brings up an underlying form of guilt, feelings of shame or fear in you; in other words not feeling good enough or paralysed.

Read more about how you can set yourself up for success…

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Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew

Clear your Baggage and Create your Reality with Ease

By now most of us have realised that we need to be a vibrational match to what we want to create and manifest in life.

However, that’s often easier said than done.

We can tell ourselves to be “positive” and “grateful” all we want, if our body (as a representation of our subconscious) holds a different belief, it’s not authentic and the Universe will know. This is called cognitive dissonance and will make manifesting your dreams impossible.

To truly become the creator of our reality, we first need to understand that we need to look at our triggers, struggles and “yucky” emotions and acknowledge what they are trying to do FOR us, instead of seeing them as the enemy that we need to get away from.

If you’re ready to create your desired reality with more ease, keep reading…

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Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew

Values and How They Shape Your Reality

We have certain feelings and states of being that we want to feel and that are really important to us. These feelings are referred to as values. They might be deep connection, family time, honesty, authenticity, beauty, travel or wealth. Whatever they are, they are something that we highly desire or we really like, and which are really important to us. Without them we wouldn’t feel good or happy in our life, relationships or in our workplace. Getting clear on your values will help you to consciously shape your reality and take aligned steps towards your dreams.

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Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew

4 Steps to Empower Yourself in your Business

It all started 5 years ago in the back of a yoga studio in Coffs Harbour. After already working in my field for about 10 years in various places, I was giving a treatment in the clinic room out the back.

My client looked up and said: "Sand! I didn't even know that THIS is what you do!!!" I felt so misunderstood and unseen! That was the day I decided to learn all about clarifying my true purpose, my message and how to communicate it to the World, so I could actually attract and help my ideal clients, fill my clinic and make the bigger impact I was deep down called to do. Read on and find out the 4 steps to empower yourself in your business too!

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5 Steps to Switch Overwhelm into Flow

Our lives are complex and can be overwhelming. I can't count the amount of clients anymore that I've been seeing over the past few months alone who have been feeling swamped. Overloaded. Under pressure. And because I know how these easy but powerful tips to simplicity and getting back to flow could benefit you too, I'd like to share them with you today.

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What will change for you when you live your true potential and take your life, business, relationships and impact to the next level?

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How to Recognise + Overcome THE 7 FORMS OF RESISTANCE

…So you can get to your Next Level of Purpose, Flow, Income + Impact

Grab your 40-page eBook now: Empower yourself with the knowledge of what’s really going on and how to overcome these invisible hurdles!