Frozen With Procrastination + Sabotage?

Have you been finding yourself in cycles of

“I can’t”,

“what if” and

“who am I” thinking,

… ultimately leaving you feeling frozen with procrastination and sabotage?

Are you feeling weighed down by emotional baggage?

Is something blocking you from living your wildest dreams??

No matter what the changes since Covid have brought for you, have you been connecting / able to connect with the deep place within you, where you KNOW who you are and what you’re here to do?

The one were you are laser focused, determined, strong, CONNECTED and unstoppable?

The place in you that knows the truth: that you are 100% capable and deserving to live your dreams and that you can do anything, no matter what you put your heart and soul to?

It’s this place from which Magic comes and gets created:









Sometimes it’s enough to meditate and take time out to get to this point.

Other times that’s way not enough and we need to go deeper.

If you haven't been able to connect;


But it is your responsibility to do something about it.

We need to uncover the layers and what’s been triggered up and thrown in our face, so we can return to this deep calm and fully ignited space of TRUTH.

Our mind and body need to believe the same thing in order for flow and magic to happen.

We as humanity hold and carry a lot of shame that unknowingly keeps us trapped in the non-deserving and fear-circuit. This in turn keeps us in “I can’t”, “what if” and “who am I” thinking and frozen with procrastination and paralysed will.

You know, those times when you want to post, do or say something, but then you fear others might get offended, feel hurt, pull back or don’t accept you anymore?

The place where you judge yourself.

Or you might not even care at all about what the biggest part of the population thinks about it, but when it comes to one particular person (ie mum, dad, partner, or past clients) it really throws you off-centre.

Then you might find that you bite your tongue, start spinning with what you were going to say in the first place, or go blank, brain-foggy or simply TIRED.

Many years ago I used to feel this way a lot.

But then I learned more, dove deeper, cleared and realised:

That’s all just subconscious sabotage and baggage that’s trying to keep you from speaking your truth and from shining!!


It’s old patterns that are in place to keep you invisible to the world in order to keep you safe!

In the past that might have worked, but now it’s time to shine!

It’s time to clear the charge around these old emotional patterns, so you can finally EXPRESS ALL OF YOU!!

Telling yourself to let them go won’t be enough.

That’s why all the talk around manifesting and changing your mindset only works to a certain extend - don’t get me wrong, our mind is POWERFUL. But our body (which represents our subconscious) is even more powerful!

Our mind and body need to believe the same thing in order for flow and magic to happen.

Only then can we manifest our dreams into 3D reality!

When the beliefs between our mind and old stored information in our body are incongruent, stuff comes up and things stop flowing.

Don’t worry, we all have this playing out at different times. However, we need tools and deep healing in order to RECLAIM our power, so we can return to this deep, calm and powerful space of TRUTH and KNOWING - and then know how to hold this space.

That's why knowing about sabotage and how resistance works,

plus clearing lifetimes worth of stuff so we can move forward with clarity, focus and certainty is a LIFE CHANGER !!

Only when we reside in this deep place WITHIN, we can fully and unapologetically share our gifts with the world that only we have, and that the world would miss out on otherwise.

From this place we can create and live our dreams, ENJOY them and increase our income and positive impact with ease and flow.

The time is now!

We’ve got no more time to waste to procrastinate with fear and doubt, self loathing or "not good enough" - stories.

We’ve got gifts that we were given before we came back to earth this time round and it would be a waste and disservice to humanity to keep them hiding!

Therefore, I’m asking you now:

Are you ready to once and for all clear those patterns that have been keeping you stuck, procrastinating or holding you back in any way shape or form?

You know if you’re truly ready, if you feel frustrated enough about where you’re still at right now.

If what I've written is triggering you, you know that there is stuff in the way that's holding you back from shining.

I'm here to support conscious leaders, impact-driven entrepreneurs and business owners to remember who they are, so we can all step up together and bring our unique gifts and geniuses to the world. That way we can inspire and support more people in our unique ways to free themselves of their limitations, emotional baggage and conditioning - for humanity.

Are you ready to live a deeply fulfilling life and relationships?

Are you ready to finally get out of your own way, so you can make a bigger impact and live your big vision - serving others and yourself deeply?

Check out my 8-wk Ultimate Breakthrough Program / The Spiral™ here!

It's a game changer. Its’s all on Zoom so you can join from anywhere in the world.

Is this calling you?

Book in for a complimentary Heart to Heart chat now.

What would change for you if you no longer limited yourself, and instead asked "Why on Earth wouldn't I do it?"

The time is now.

For tons of testimonials and previous client feedback, check out this link here.


Discover What Lights Up Your Whole Being!


Are You Living or Merely Functioning?