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Trapped Emotions Will Block Your Success

We are emotional beings and our emotions are experienced in response to our environment. Emotions are a normal part of life, as we experience and interpret the world through them. In order to lead a healthy, full life, we need to move through all emotions fluently. Emotions are supposed to be felt, processed by the body, mind, and spirit connection, and then at some point let go of. On the other hand, those “not as good” emotions often follow a different trajectory and can block you from success…

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Transformation, Leadership Sand Mew Transformation, Leadership Sand Mew

Rise Above Your Triggers: Unlocking Emotional Freedom and Leadership Power

Triggers aren’t random; they reveal unresolved emotional layers. "The Ultimate Breakthrough Journey" (my version of The Spiral) quickly clears the largest amount of baggage by addressing 22 emotional patterns on the Scale of Consciousness. With 95% of our reality shaped by the subconscious, using "kinesiology on steroids" helps shift deep-seated emotions fast. Ready to rise above triggers? Read more to transform them into growth opportunities.

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The Pivotal Step That Often Gets Forgotten When It Comes To Manifesting

Manifesting teachers often tell you about visualisation and getting into the right ‘vibe’ and positive mindset in order to attract what we desire. Unfortunately that’s not the complete picture, which is why there are still so many people struggling with manifesting their dreams into 3D. Overall, there are 4 Steps to successful Manifestation.

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Leadership, Transformation, Business Sand Mew Leadership, Transformation, Business Sand Mew

Let Frustration Propel You Forward

Right from childhood most of us are taught to suppress our feelings of frustration, so you might be surprised to learn how helpful it can really be! Frustration usually comes up in life, when we realise something is not quite aligned. So it can actually serve as a really helpful reminder of  how we can get back on track to our dreams. Acknowledging our frustration rather than pushing it away can give us the fire and motivation to propel us forward and make that change happen.

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Leadership, Transformation, Business Sand Mew Leadership, Transformation, Business Sand Mew

This Is Why The World Needs You To Free Yourself Of Your Baggage Now.

The people you need to touch with your unique story and message need to hear you and they can only hear it from you. That’s why it’s so important for all of us to step up with our unique cocktails of stories and experiences. The world needs the ripple effect you will create through having the courage to step up, face your fears, work through your blocks, raise your frequency and consciousness.

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What’s Really Going on when you can’t seem to Up-level…

If you've been led to believe you can't always have what you want or you'll have to work hard in order to get ahead... that's exactly the reality you'll find reflected back at you. Regardless of how many positive affirmations you repeat, if your subconscious is holding onto these types of beliefs, you'll find yourself stuck in scarcity.

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

Stop Resistance and Make the Impact you were Born for

If you are SO ready for your dreams but it just doesn't seem to happen, its likely due to what lies in your subconscious. When you try to expand into your big dreams it can trigger subconscious fears or trapped emotions keeping you stuck. Its time to stop resistance in its tracks and acknowledge these messages from your subconscious so you can break free and make the impact you were born for.

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

Never Underestimate the Power of Struggle - it Leads to Your Purpose

When you're on the search for clarity around your purpose, you might start to look for clues in your past. Let me emphasise the importance of not pushing away the struggle. Those times in your life that you’re not so proud of are just as important, if not more important to take note of than the fun and easy ones. Unearth your secret superpower and get clear on your purpose...

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Business, Leadership, Purpose Sand Mew Business, Leadership, Purpose Sand Mew

Fullfillment, Impact & Wealth - You can have it all!

If you struggle to find balance between work/ fulfilment/ wealth/ relationships and feel like you can't seem to keep all these balls up in the air at once, you are definitely not alone! Your prior conditioning and experiences (in this life and in the past) have lead you to subconsciously believe you can't possibly have it all. The truth is however, we don't have to choose between these areas of our life - we can choose to rewire our subconscious mind so that we can truly have it all!

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

Harness the Power of Your Subconscious and Thrive

Being a conscious business owner is one of the most rapid paths of personal growth! As we grow and expand, our subconscious sends us roadblocks to keep us in safe, familiar territory, (and we all know that is not the best way grow a business!) So it's vital, that we do not let these roadblocks deter us, but instead learn to recognise them for what they are: opportunities for growth and expansion.

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

Discover Your Unique Pathway To Success

A lot of business mentors simply offer their cookie-cutter system that has helped THEM to get to the top. They sell it to everyone else and expect these people to have the same results. I find it quite sad to see, because really, we are all different people with different personalities, strengths and expression modalities. People are being pushed to feel that they have weaknesses or that they aren’t good enough—just because they don’t fit into someone else’s box. It does not have to be this way!

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

What Does it Mean to be Fully in Your Body vs out of Body

I see our physical body like an empty shell or like a car that needs to be claimed so we can drive it around. What’s blocking us from being fully in our body is trauma that we’ve stored, trapped emotions and old beliefs. We need to clear all this baggage out of the way so we can claim our space and fill it with whatever feels amazing.

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

Self Doubt: our Biggest Time Waster and Also Catalyst for Growth

Self-doubt is one of the main forms of resistance. It’s a form of resistance to shining your light, expressing who you are and ultimately being a bigger version of who you were before. It shows up as worthiness issues, holding yourself back and not letting yourself be seen for who you are. This sabotage pattern is strong, so watch out. It’s trying to “protect” you from exploring what else is out there. It pulls you back and keeps you small with the intention of shielding you from pain. Whatever you do, don’t stop and give into the doubt, as otherwise you’ve let sabotage win and the World will miss out on what you’ve got to share.

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

Discover What Lights Up Your Whole Being!

You have big visions for your future. But have you taken the time to get very clear on how you're going to get there? AKA the process of turning your big visions into aligned strategy and actionable goals? If not, you might be experiencing feelings of overwhelm and stress, which in turn means you spin your wheels and don't make any progress...

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Purpose, Leadership, Business Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Business Sand Mew

Get Clear on your Purpose

Do you crave more purpose, meaning, clarity and direction in your life? If so, you are not alone. Many people are feeling this inner calling and urge to spend their time on something more meaningful than what they have spent it on so far, however, many of us feel daunted, swamped or lost with this task. Discover why this is and how you can find your path to inner clarity.

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Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew

Upper Limits - the Real Reason we Struggle to Achieve our Dreams

When we start hitting upper limits or glass ceilings in our business all kinds of frustrating, sabotaging behaviour and frames of mind can pop up. However, there are also energetic interferences that can sabotage us and hold us back - and these are even more sneaky and unexpected. Here's an interesting example of how this played out for one of my clients and how she was able to step up and face what was holding her back to ultimately expand into a way bigger version of herself.

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Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew

Releasing Shame - You Deserve to live your Dreams

Holding on to generations worth of shame is not serving us and is actually standing in the way of us sharing our higher purpose with the world. We as humanity hold and carry so much shame that unknowingly keeps us trapped in the non deserving and fear circuit. 

“I can’t”, “what if” and “who am I” thinking...

We might feel flawed, not good enough or have painfully high expectations of ourselves. Often, we are our own biggest critics and it is keeping us trapped. Are you ready to remember who you really are at your core?

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Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew

4 Key Principles to Manifesting Success

Your subconscious will always look for a target, so if your thoughts are owned by worry and limiting beliefs, it’s called “negative goal setting” (in the absence of dreams and goals). In order to hack your subconscious and utilise the full potential of your thoughts, you need to begin by getting clear on your dreams and goals and practise 'feeding' those with your thoughts. Keep reading to find out more.

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Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew

Unapologetically Share your Gifts and Go Next Level

You have your strategy. You know what you need to do. But you just can’t seem to do it. It’s like you’re spinning your wheels whilst pushing yourself uphill. Sound familiar? It’s your conditioning that’s holding you back. Thoughts, beliefs and programs reminding you every step of the way that it’s much “safer” to stay in your comfort zone. Here’s three steps you need to take to break free and go next level.

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What will change for you when you live your true potential and take your life, business, relationships and impact to the next level?

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How to Recognise + Overcome THE 7 FORMS OF RESISTANCE

…So you can get to your Next Level of Purpose, Flow, Income + Impact

Grab your 40-page eBook now: Empower yourself with the knowledge of what’s really going on and how to overcome these invisible hurdles!