Releasing Shame - You Deserve to live your Dreams

Most people are letting a sense of unconscious shame hold their dreams ransom.

We as humanity hold and carry so much shame that unknowingly keeps us trapped in the non-deserving and fear cycle. 

“I can’t”, “what if” and “who am I” thinking...

We might feel flawed, not good enough or have painfully high expectations of ourselves. Often, we are our own biggest critics and it is keeping us trapped.

This sense of shame has been entwined in our cultural conditioning and passed down through the generations until the point where we've actually forgotten who we really are underneath it all. 

It's time to remember who you really are at your core.

Holding on to generations worth of shame is not serving us and is actually standing in the way of us sharing our higher purpose with the world. When we ignore and push past the sensations of shame, guilt or dogma, we assume that our conscious mind, willpower and ultimately ego alone are powerful enough to create whatever we want.

The problem is, our conscious mind only makes up the smallest percentage of our consciousness. In fact, 95% of our lives are controlled by our subconscious. Most often we don't exactly know what lies beneath the surface. 

“This sense of shame has been entwined in our cultural conditioning and passed down through the generations until the point where we've actually forgotten who we really are underneath it all.

However, if we step forward and face the fear of the unknown beneath the surface, we can reveal the truth of what’s embedded and then free ourselves from it. We can acknowledge the beliefs, contracts and decisions we’ve made in the past, which have created loops of similarity for us time and time again, release them from our body and therefore ultimately free ourselves in the now. We can clear whatever we've taken on and reclaim ourselves fully.

If we don’t, we’ll stay trapped in having to relive similar patterns forever more—without realising what we are doing—and therefore keep struggling with being visible, sharing our gifts and authentic message and ultimately living our dreams and purpose.

If we stop avoiding the past due to unawareness or shame, pain or fear, pretending it’s never happened, and instead actually LOOK at it, ACKNOWLEDGE it and CLEAR IT, we can actually be, do and have it all RIGHT NOW.

Are you ready to release known and unknown shame and live your dreams? 

Book in now for a heart to heart chat.


Upper Limits - the Real Reason we Struggle to Achieve our Dreams


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