Free resources & tools to help you take the brakes off + ignite your potential

Trapped Emotions Will Block Your Success
We are emotional beings and our emotions are experienced in response to our environment. Emotions are a normal part of life, as we experience and interpret the world through them. In order to lead a healthy, full life, we need to move through all emotions fluently. Emotions are supposed to be felt, processed by the body, mind, and spirit connection, and then at some point let go of. On the other hand, those “not as good” emotions often follow a different trajectory and can block you from success…
Some Powerful Reflection Questions For The End Of The Year
Now it’s time to reflect. So many people are under the illusion that growth requires us to achieve big goals and accomplish great feats but often, it’s in the small things - like reflective practices, including Take The Brakes Off self-clearing and journaling - where our personal and professional evolution unfolds in the most profound ways. That’s why today I want to share my reflection ritual with you. It’s also a great practice to guide your leadership team through (or clients, if you’re a coach).
How to Navigate your Relationship During a period of Serious Personal Growth (ie The Spiral)
Growth implies change. And change can be challenging for all parties involved. You making positive shifts and changes in your life can bring up and out all sorts of triggers in your partner. However, it is possible to live our full expression within a relationship that expands and can grow with us, and that’s not going to hold us back.
How Your Subconscious Mind Creates Your Reality
Have you ever wondered why certain people always seem to get it all while some are continuously slipping from one bad experience to the next? Is it luck or bad fortune? Maybe a little. However, there is way more to it than that. The truth is YOU create your reality. To understand how this could be possible we first need to understand the magnitude and power of our subconscious mind.
Have you Been Standing in Your Own Way?
If you keep finding yourself feeling stuck, paralysed, overwhelmed and down on yourself, its time to look a bit closer at what’s really going on below the surface. It’s highly likely that you’re actually standing in your OWN way and it's time to do something about it!
How to Tell When You’re Facing Upper Limits and How to Overcome Them
Seeing our dreams begin to manifest into reality is exciting and expansive... that is, until we hit our upper limits and find frustrations coming up or things falling apart in other areas of life; feeling paralysed, spinning, unclear, unable to take action. The truth is, it's not really about that presentation that you've got to get out there or your book or your story or your message, its really about the past experiences, memories and traumas your subconscious has locked in that is telling your being it’s not safe to step out there and any further up. It's time to overcome those upper limits and shine!
Do you have the 'either Money or Love syndrome'?
Do you sometimes feel like you need to choose between areas of your life? Either “purpose” or “money”, "success" or "time freedom", "a good income" or "doing what you love", "safety" or "visibility"?
Many years ago, I too thought that I had to choose between “love” and “money”—until I realised that you can have both, and that all it takes is for us to bring our brain halves and thinking together.
Clear Boundaries Allow For Energy + Flow
If friends, clients, or family cross your boundaries, I’m 99 percent certain that on some level you’ve allowed it. Don’t let other people or situations take your power away. Take it back by honouring what feels true for you at the time and express yourself authentically. That way you can keep moving forward in life and walking in integrity and alignment, which keeps you energised, focused and receptive.
Your Physical Body is a Representation of your Subconscious Mind
Your body is a representation of your subconscious. It holds onto all sorts of memories, beliefs and perceptions for you, a ton of messages. These messages might show up in the form of niggling feelings, dreams or passing thoughts, or get stored in the body in form of tension, blockages, constrictions, flattening sensations and emotions. Like a child that wants undivided attention, your body will only let these messages go, if you are willing to stop, acknowledge and release them.
Clear your Baggage and Create your Reality with Ease
By now most of us have realised that we need to be a vibrational match to what we want to create and manifest in life.
However, that’s often easier said than done.
We can tell ourselves to be “positive” and “grateful” all we want, if our body (as a representation of our subconscious) holds a different belief, it’s not authentic and the Universe will know. This is called cognitive dissonance and will make manifesting your dreams impossible.
To truly become the creator of our reality, we first need to understand that we need to look at our triggers, struggles and “yucky” emotions and acknowledge what they are trying to do FOR us, instead of seeing them as the enemy that we need to get away from.
If you’re ready to create your desired reality with more ease, keep reading…
4 Steps to Empower Yourself in your Business
It all started 5 years ago in the back of a yoga studio in Coffs Harbour. After already working in my field for about 10 years in various places, I was giving a treatment in the clinic room out the back.
My client looked up and said: "Sand! I didn't even know that THIS is what you do!!!" I felt so misunderstood and unseen! That was the day I decided to learn all about clarifying my true purpose, my message and how to communicate it to the World, so I could actually attract and help my ideal clients, fill my clinic and make the bigger impact I was deep down called to do. Read on and find out the 4 steps to empower yourself in your business too!
What is your Purpose and what does Struggle have to do with it
By looking at and making friends with fear and triggers, we can free ourselves out of the burden of conditioning and actually step into who we are.
Life is duality. There will always be dark and light, night and day. Stop running away from your struggles and notice what they have to do with your purpose...
Trapped Emotions will Block Your Success
We are emotional beings and our emotions are experienced in response to our environment. Emotions are a normal part of life, as we experience and interpret the world through them. In order to lead a healthy, full life, we need to move through all emotions fluently. Emotions are supposed to be felt, processed by the body, mind, and spirit connection, and then at some point let go of. On the other hand, those “not as good” emotions often follow a different trajectory and can block you from success…
4 Steps to Effectively Communicate
You know those days when you feel like whatever you say gets spun around. You feel entirely misunderstood. People seem to react, get angry at you or shut down in response to what you're saying. Most likely you feel like you can't say anything 'right' and you assume that it's best to not say anything at all. Can you relate? Did you know that there is a way to get your point across - without getting angry, sad, feisty, defensive or accusative? A way that is received, where the other one actually listens and cares about your point of view?
5 Steps to Shift from Stuck to Empowered
Sometimes things don’t go to plan. We feel annoyed or angry at ourselves for the situation that we are in. We might feel overwhelmed at the thought of how to get out of it again and stuck. However, THAT we can get out of it is a definite - as long as we take our power back.
How do we do this?
Read on to find out 5 Steps to shift from stuck to empowered.

What will change for you when you live your true potential and take your life, business, relationships and impact to the next level?