Free resources & tools to help you take the brakes off + ignite your potential






Trapped Emotions Will Block Your Success

We are emotional beings and our emotions are experienced in response to our environment. Emotions are a normal part of life, as we experience and interpret the world through them. In order to lead a healthy, full life, we need to move through all emotions fluently. Emotions are supposed to be felt, processed by the body, mind, and spirit connection, and then at some point let go of. On the other hand, those “not as good” emotions often follow a different trajectory and can block you from success…

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Leadership, Transformation, Business Sand Mew Leadership, Transformation, Business Sand Mew

Let Frustration Propel You Forward

Right from childhood most of us are taught to suppress our feelings of frustration, so you might be surprised to learn how helpful it can really be! Frustration usually comes up in life, when we realise something is not quite aligned. So it can actually serve as a really helpful reminder of  how we can get back on track to our dreams. Acknowledging our frustration rather than pushing it away can give us the fire and motivation to propel us forward and make that change happen.

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Leadership, Transformation, Business Sand Mew Leadership, Transformation, Business Sand Mew

This Is Why The World Needs You To Free Yourself Of Your Baggage Now.

The people you need to touch with your unique story and message need to hear you and they can only hear it from you. That’s why it’s so important for all of us to step up with our unique cocktails of stories and experiences. The world needs the ripple effect you will create through having the courage to step up, face your fears, work through your blocks, raise your frequency and consciousness.

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What’s Really Going on when you can’t seem to Up-level…

If you've been led to believe you can't always have what you want or you'll have to work hard in order to get ahead... that's exactly the reality you'll find reflected back at you. Regardless of how many positive affirmations you repeat, if your subconscious is holding onto these types of beliefs, you'll find yourself stuck in scarcity.

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Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew

Do you have the 'either Money or Love syndrome'?

Do you sometimes feel like you need to choose between areas of your life? Either “purpose” or “money”, "success" or "time freedom", "a good income" or "doing what you love", "safety" or "visibility"?

Many years ago, I too thought that I had to choose between “love” and “money”—until I realised that you can have both, and that all it takes is for us to bring our brain halves and thinking together.

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Transformation, Leadership, Purpose Sand Mew Transformation, Leadership, Purpose Sand Mew

Stepping into Authentic Visibility takes more than what you think

Many people want it: to live their purpose, generate a great income doing what they love and making a difference at the same time.

Unfortunately not many people get there. Sabotage, procrastination, fears, distractions and other patterns have a strong grip and bring most people to a halt and point of giving up.

Most people think it's their own fault when things don't flow and/or business is not happening. They think they aren't made for it, blame their circumstances and start doubting themselves. On my own journey from near bankruptcy to multi-figure purpose-driven business, I've established 4 keys that are vital on the journey to monetise your inner calling and 'having it all' which I'd like to share with you today…

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Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, Purpose, The Spiral Sand Mew

4 Steps to Empower Yourself in your Business

It all started 5 years ago in the back of a yoga studio in Coffs Harbour. After already working in my field for about 10 years in various places, I was giving a treatment in the clinic room out the back.

My client looked up and said: "Sand! I didn't even know that THIS is what you do!!!" I felt so misunderstood and unseen! That was the day I decided to learn all about clarifying my true purpose, my message and how to communicate it to the World, so I could actually attract and help my ideal clients, fill my clinic and make the bigger impact I was deep down called to do. Read on and find out the 4 steps to empower yourself in your business too!

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What will change for you when you live your true potential and take your life, business, relationships and impact to the next level?

Free eBook

How to Recognise + Overcome THE 7 FORMS OF RESISTANCE

…So you can get to your Next Level of Purpose, Flow, Income + Impact

Grab your 40-page eBook now: Empower yourself with the knowledge of what’s really going on and how to overcome these invisible hurdles!