Are your ‘to do lists’ growing and your sense of fulfilment dwindling?

I used to be consumed by my to do lists and wondering why after a few years of being in business I still didn’t seem to move forward and my sense of fulfilment was dwindling. It didn’t feel very fulfilling, because most often I’d cross a couple of things off my never ending to do list, only to add another 5 ones on. So it turned into a constant chasing, that never seemed to lead anywhere....mmm yes it did lead somewhere actually: to a lot of overwhelm and lack of fulfillment, as I watched my bigger goals and dreams getting pushed further and further into the distance. 

I felt I had to just focus on yet another urgent event, deadline, email, job, etc and then I’d ‘allow myself’ to get into one of the projects that were important to me (such as a course creation, writing something new, creating a new website,.. in short, stuff that would have made me progress and that would have made me feel excited about actually getting somewhere). But this hardly ever happened, as I was burdened with a sense of overwhelm most of the time (of not even getting a fraction of the to dos done and therefore not ever getting to focus my time and energy on meaningful stuff during my work hours). 

I didn’t know how to structure my work life and though I had always achieved lots, I didn’t know how to REALLY productively use my little time (whilst having kids, running a house hold, a business and busy clinic at the time).

That’s when things started to change; when I realised that I needed to learn how to get stuff done - in the shortest but most fulfilling way possible. 

“That’s when things started to change; when I realised that I needed to learn how to get stuff done - in the shortest but most fulfilling way possible.

But only when I realised that there is no need to hold back anymore, when I CLEARED all deeply limiting beliefs, emotional patterns and STORIES that kept me in the hiding and holding back (although I didn’t realise at the time, I was so playing small and kept excusing myself with ‘just being too busy’!!!), that’s when I realised that I NEEDED to move forward! That I wasn’t serving anyone - not my dreams, my outcomes and sense of achievement, but also not my family, my clients and the World at large!

No one can and will benefit, if you ‘starve yourself of fulfilment’ and don’t let yourself focus at least a chunk of your time on things that truly matter to you. This might be things that bring your business further, or finally writing the course or book that you’ve been meaning to share with the World,.. but also having family and connection time, getting a massage or doing a meditation. Those things that excite you. That matter to you. 

This was a few years ago.

Since then lots has changed. I’ve not only built a multi six figure business, working with my dream clients all over the world, supporting them in taking their brakes off and therefore unlocking more of the positive impact that they are here to make, but have also created my own accredited modality, published an international bestseller, etc all whilst living in full alignment with my purpose and who I am and being super close and connected with my two boys and partner. 

So what did I do at the time to create this radical change? 

It started with one simple yet immensely impactful step:

I started scheduling in blocks of time for the things that were IMPORTANT to me:

Time to create, to develop, to share. 

Time to connect within and with my loved ones. 

Time to follow ideas and listen to my inner guidance. 

Time to vision and journal. 

Because if you don’t claim time, it will slip through your hands and be claimed by someone or something else.

I started creating a way bigger sense of fulfilment for myself by allowing myself to shift my view of time and how I needed to spend it! Looking back I can see just how much the clearing I have been doing over the past 7 years has gotten me to get out of my own way - to just create it and make it happen. I finally allowed myself to move forward and achieve my dreams with this simple, yet huge adjustment!! Now I look back and can see just how much this has allowed me to actually create what I had dreamt of prior for so long!!

So as tip/advice from me to you today:

  • Take time today to do something that will OUTLAST this week, or this month. 

  • Plan in the NOT URGENT, YET IMPORTANT into your week. Life is too short to be caught in a 'rat race' of a whole bunch of things that -  if you really stopped and thought about it - are not important at the end of the day.

  • ALLOW yourself to live a fulfilling life!! 

Are you ready to take the brakes off and let go of the patterns and upper limits that have been holding you back?

Book in a complimentary Heart to Heart chat here.


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