5 Steps to get Unstuck When Things Don’t Flow

Do you have a big vision and dreams and you're clear on what you'd love to create/manifest? If not, giving yourself some creative time to get clearer on what you truly desire is the first step for you.

However, if you already know what you want and yet feel like all your taking action + your manifestation efforts aren’t flowing all that well (perhaps you feel stuck or like you’re pushing against the current!) then stop. Lean back for a moment and reassess. Most likely you’ve stepped out of alignment in some aspect of your life - you're trying too hard and are most likely too attached to the outcome! If this sounds like you, what I'm about to share will help get back on track, back in alignment and into flow where you can manifest your dreams with relative ease.

Take a moment to give negative self-talk a voice, so it feels heard and can let go.”

If you are a woman, begin by asking yourself the following question:

Where am I at in my hormonal cycle? Remember to not take things too seriously if you are finding yourself within the 10- day time frame before your period, as your energy, sense of purpose and drive will all simultaneously drop or at least decrease during this time. In that case, simply give yourself a break and rest in the safe knowing that things will pick up again about 7-10 days later. This needs to be done first! 

And for everyone, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I still in alignment with my big vision?

  • Am I trying too hard and am I stifling the outcomes during the process as a result?

  • Have I lost sight of my own truth, values or expression modalities (your unique way of showing up in life, no matter what you do)?

  • Am I chasing someone else’s values and ideals?

  • Is a sabotage pattern (internally or externally created) playing out?

  • Am I focusing too much on lack or the past, instead of where I want to go and feeling into being there already?

No matter what, if things don’t flow, take a step back and reassess:

1. Make sure you realign with your dream vision and values and keep letting go of anything that’s no longer in alignment. You’ll need to be a vibrational match to what you desire, so if you’re feeling all stuck and limited, it’s not going to attract what you want. No matter how much you sleep, or how much movement, journaling and setting goals you do, if your attitude and mindset keep you stuck in limitation, lack, fear, blame and stress, then you need to change this. Watch your thoughts by being super aware of where they are going. Write them down if need be, otherwise simply sit and listen whilst doing the dishes, driving, walking, jogging etc.

2. Don’t mix being a vibrational match up with being "over the top positive". You won’t do yourself a favour if you try to suppress your negative self-talk and feelings, and instead focus on being overly positive alone. I know that this is contradicting the teachings of so many coaches out there, that tell you to do everything in your power to avoid having even just one single negative thought!

If the positive statement or affirmation is just not your truth in that very moment, then take a moment to give this negative self-talk a voice, so it feels heard and can let go. In order to give this negative self-talk a chance to be acknowledged, write down what it says as a sign to your subconscious that now that the comments, thoughts and beliefs are written down, your subconscious doesn’t have to keep remembering them and keep reminding you of them.

Really listen, say thank you to the messages (no matter how hurtful) and hold space for your internal voice offloading. Then, without buying into it, trying to control it or forcefully change it, just witness this voice. Write down what it says, acknowledge it, accept it, ask what it’s trying to do for you. 

Is it just wanting to keep you safe? 

Why exactly does it feel it needs to do that? 

Breathe through it and then let it go. 

3. Most importantly, really acknowledge all that’s coming up for you, and ask yourself what it is that the various emotions you are experiencing are trying to tell you; 

Is there frustration coming up that’s trying to show you that you are living out of alignment in one or several areas of your life?

Is anxiety pulling on you, as a suppressed fear of shining your light too brightly and bringing up "Tall Poppy Syndrome"?

Or is it pulling on you, because you are trying to live someone else’s values, resulting in you losing your own centre?

Is depression showing up to show you that you’re exhausted and can’t see a way out?

Is jealousy or comparing yourself nudging you in the direction of where you actually want to be in your life?

Are you having a niggling truth coming up that you’re too scared to listen to, as it would mean big changes in your life that you’re not prepared to face?

4. Really acknowledge all parts of you and your reality. Instead of suppressing them or letting yourself get carried away by them, take all your feelings into account. Let them show you what they are ACTUALLY trying to signal to you and allow yourself to follow their guidance. If you do so, you’ll find it way easier to truly move on and to start FEELING positive about life and yourself again—authentically and deeply, with clarity.

If you’re facing a particularly low spot in your life and you feel rather stuck and deflated, then ask yourself the following: If you stripped everything back to the bare basics, and none of your stressors really mattered, what would give you joy or a sense of bliss right now? Let the answer guide you, like a point on the horizon towards which you would want to steer your ship to, if you were sailing on the big open ocean. Follow your desire like a compass.

5. Once you’ve acknowledged where you’re at and possibly why, it’s time to take the brakes off again. Get rid of anything that’s no longer in 100% alignment with your truth and that doesn’t serve you anymore. This includes stuff in your cupboards, office, handbag and wardrobe just as much as your thoughts and beliefs that are no longer serving you. Illuminate all areas of your life—only where there is clarity all around, and no murky/cloudy/muddy areas, can real shifts happen!

Get clear about your limiting belief systems and sabotage patterns around your next steps, clear yourself and lock in new beliefs and patterns. Clear the charge around the emotions and beliefs that are triggering you and then reframe them. This step might require some deep clearing/ healing sessions and support, but they will do wonders. 

This part of the process can be the hardest of them all. You need to continuously ask yourself if you’re actually allowing yourself to fully be you and have those dreams of yours. What’s the payoff for not being there yet? What parts of you feel safer to still be stuck in the known, unwanted limitation? What fears do you have around getting there?

You create your reality, and you can achieve nearly everything! Maybe not necessarily turning into a blue alien, lol, but you most definitely can and deserve to find deep inner peace and certainty! No matter the hardship you’ve experienced, you CAN create an extraordinary life, as long as you keep clearing all those negative beliefs you have most likely accumulated over your lifetime plus previous ones whilst all the time refocusing. Lift the cage of conditioning from your mind and take your life and your responsibility into your own hands. You need to work through those road blocks—don’t let them deter you!

Are you ready to take the brakes off, go for your dreams and make the positive impact you are here for? Book in a complimentary Heart to Heart chat with me here.

The time is now. Let's do this together.


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